Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Nine S': Stability

In the Order of the Present Moment, we consider the standard of our formation, the Nine S'.  Stability is formative to our bodies, minds, hearts and spirits for our souls must be firmly fixed in Christ, every present moment.  Stability in a person is the state of being sane and sensible, of not being easily upset or disturbed.  When we apply the definition of stability to our spiritual lives, we realize the necessity of not giving way or being overturned.

We stand firm in Christ in all levels and degrees, temporally and spiritually.  Of the Holy Spirit's gifts, we call upon temperance and fortitude especially to assist us.  Of course, if we have learned to remain in Christ's love, we develop a stability based upon the unfolding graces of being in His love.  At the same time, we recognize the seemingly constant challenges from the temporal and spiritual realms in the form of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual trials.  

Temperance (self-restraint, moderation) applies at all levels, and the degree to which we strive requires consistent courage against not only giving way to temptations but also in patient endurance in suffering.  Fortitude (courage) strengthens our perseverance. Remain steadfast within Christ's love and obey His command.

We have mentioned the importance of specializing in the spiritual life as opposed to being a generalist in various areas and interests.  Remaining fixed in Christ's love and His command, the Gospel Rule of Life (which is the root of all rules), allows the soul to withstand any temporal or spiritual disturbance.

Consider the course of one day of life on earth and the various possibilities of unexpected trials.  Consider loss of life or health (mental, physical) of self, family member or friend. Factor the loss of career, home, transportation, income, credit, land, food, heat, water, or other earthly possessions.  Ponder the disturbance we may experience when we simply do not get our way in a discussion or relationship!  None of us are exempt from temporal and spiritual upsets...unless we learn to  remain fixed in the stability of Christ's love.

And how can this be?  Can we truly have immunity from the trials of this world?  Yes, in His love we can, for He has overcome the world.  Of course, we will be amidst trials and tribulations, temptations and assaults temporal and spiritual.  Yet we need not succumb.  Or if we do waver or sway, or even start to sink, we call out, Lord, save me!  Jesus will stretch out His hand and catch us, and say to us, O you of little faith, why did you doubt? 

Stability of our bodies, minds and emotions is somewhat within our ability to buttress.  Eat properly, rest appropriately, exercise, work, play, smile; laugh and weep on occasion.  Yet the ability to be immune from the instability wrought by the fluctuations of the world and the consequences of sin (yes, our sins, too) is to courageously remain in Christ's love and obey His command to love others as He loves us.  

"What will separate us from the love of Christ? Will anguish, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or the sword?...No, in all these things we conquer overwhelmingly through him who loved us."

Among many options in choosing and forming stability, we know to receive frequently His love in the Sacraments of his Church, to be fed His Body and Blood, to repent and be absolved of our sins.  Dwell in Scripture.  We know to love remaining in His love wherein we remain in His will and His truth.  We love God and others within His love, and trust in faith that in Him the vacillations of the world will be calmed, for our souls dwell in the stability of Christ's infinite love, will and truth.

Dear members of Christ's Body, the Church,     do you see?  The stability that forms us is Christ's love.  Of course our bodies, minds, and emotions experience earthly upsets, and we will be tempted to sin, even falter or fall.  But the concern of the flesh is death, and the concern of the spirit is life and peace.  Let our souls steadfastly remain in His love, and stability in the Spirit of truth will alter our experience of the forces of the world.  Stability in Christ's love allowed the martyrs to sing through torture and to their deaths.  What about us?

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